In today’s competitive market, businesses need to be doing all they can to stand out. Content Marketing is a proven marketing strategy that can achieve resounding success, if done right.

Content Marketing is an effective way to grow your audience, increase engagement, raise your brand profile, and drive conversions, making it an essential element of business growth.

In this article, we list 10 reasons why your business should start a Content Marketing Strategy…


Why is Content Marketing important?

Content marketing is designed to answer your audience’s questions and helps to build trust and credibility in the service you have to offer. When done well, Content Marketing can develop relationships, improve conversions, and generate leads. 

Use Content Marketing to:

  • Educate your audience about the products and services you have to offer
  • Build credibility and trust with your prospects and customers
  • Drive conversions

Creating content that is valuable to your audience will drive organic traffic growth. Content online sticks around for a while, so the content you create will continue to drive organic traffic for months and years to come. 

Content Marketing works, that’s why 82% of marketers actively use Content Marketing.

What are the benefits of Content Marketing?

  • Raise brand awareness
  • Higher search engine rankings
  • Increase conversions and generate leads
  • Attract and retain your audience
  • Generate industry authority
  • Create a community of brand advocates


10 Reasons to start a Content Marketing strategy

1. To generate leads for your business
An audience that consumes you content makes them likely to buy from you. Call-to-actions placed within your content can also be very successful in generating new business leads for your sales team. The quality of leads generated from the content you create will also be better.

2. To educate your audience
Content Marketing is an effective way to educate your audience about your products and services. Around 60% of the buying decision is made only, so it is important to get across all the features, benefits, and everything else across in your content.

3. To raise brand awareness
High-quality content will propel your brand to audiences in a number of different places. Creating content on all the topics that your audience is interested in will see you popping up in more than just search engines.

Content Marketing is a great way to raise awareness of your business to a much broader audience.

4. For credibility and trust
Creating content enables you to build a unique relationship with your audience. By answering their questions with valuable content that shows up at the right place and at the right time, your audience will trust you and likely approach you when they’re ready to make that purchase.

5. Your social media channels will perform better
Not only will you see your follower count increase, but engagement will also improve. Quality content will attract your audience, encourage click-throughs and ultimately be a channel to help you drive traffic more effectively.

6. You’ll achieve better rankings on search engines (SEO)
Google reads online content much like we do, so if you’re creating high-quality content that is relevant to your audience, it’s likely that you will reach favourable positions in the search results.

7. Your audience is asking for it
Have you heard of the ‘Zero Moment of Truth’? This is the research phase buyers go through to learn all they can about a product or service before making their purchase, thus making it the ideal time to target your audience with content.

8. You’ll position your company as one of authority
Sharing original, quality content will lead to your business becoming through leaders within your industry and be considered industry experts.

9. To create an online community and brand fans
Consistently serving valuable content and providing your audience with the answers they are looking for will ultimately build a network of brand fans or advocates. These people are likely to recommend you to anyone that approaches them with a question that they know you can answer.

10. It’s cost-effective
The planning, creation and publishing of Content Marketing is a lot more cost-effective than other forms of marketing such as advertising, or video content.

One of the best things about Content Marketing is, it’s there for the long-haul, and will continue to drive traffic, generate leads and raise awareness for a long time to come.


Looking to discover what Content Marketing could look like for your business?

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